
Waktu season pemilihan course dulu, aku bukak last minute sebab buntu nak pilih mana.

From my view, kalau pilih KLE, kena lepas IELTS. Dah la mahal, kalau tak lepas kang kena repeat sampai penat. Dah la sekali test RM795. Tempat test pulak tak semua ada. Perlis memang tak la nak ada. Paling dekat pun Penang.

Tapi lecturers pulak tak galakkan ambil kat Penang. Better pergi tempat lain. Duit transport lagi. Nak ambil IELTS je dah RM1k tau!

Kalau aku tak dapat KLE, aku nak jugak pursue health care course tapi taknak medic kalau belajar local! Sama ada dentistry atau pharmacy atau dietitic atau nutrition atau science sport. Kalau ada pure subject memang akan go to it, tapi sayangnya USM dah hapuskan untuk tahun ni.

Dan since aku dah lama tinggal berjauhan dengan parents, kalau boleh taknak lagi dah jauh2 kalau study local. Ni la yang lead aku letak pharmacy as second choice.

Aku taknak mempertaruhkan second choice aku untuk something yang confirm takkan dapat, i.e, letak dentistry. Susah la dapat dentistry ni kalau bukan first choice even result 4.00 pun. Plus dentistry sangat limited! Risk on your own.

Dan di tengah-tengah kebuntuan fikir pasal choice tu, datang la satu message yang diforwardkan dari senior untuk promote KLE vs KK ni. I was about to clear my chat, tapi sayang pulak info ni kalau tak sampai ke junior.

Gonna publish it here. I do not own anything. It was not written by me. It was by my humbly caring senior, a 2nd year medical student in USM KLE right now. Thank her/him.

Aku ni baru nak gi sana next month, so taktau apa apa lagi.


wahhh first of all congratulations for managing to survive till the end!!๐Ÿคง๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

oh alright, first of all nak tell u what untuk batch kitorang, recently semester exam - kitorang semua pass. Budak usmkk ada yg tak pass ok tu satu (depends on own self jugak sebenarnya)

i tell you the pros kat sini la compared to kk

/overseas, get to experience new culture- kat sini very close to malaysian culture actually so jarang2 jugak homesick, lagi2 all students mostly malaysian, so basically its very accomodating la like any problems, you always ada backup - and a very strong student committee any safety issues, no worries

/kat sini tak perlu risau pasal mycsd- mycsd tu is actually like point system budak kk kena struggle masuk byk2 aktiviti  kutip mycsd/points tu byk2 supaya enable diorang utk duduk hostel, rather than duduk rumah which is more mahal

/hostel kat sini sgt selesa!! satu bilik 2 orang weh i tell u what, boleh memasak, bilik i ada peti sejuk dgn mesin basuh wei sumpah best haha boleh decorate bilik, takyah ramai2 roommate sorang!! hehe

/kat sini ada banyak gila mayat obviously, bygkan lah ktorg siap boleh main2 lagi dgn real otak/lungs etc

/access utk hospital is very petik jari je, kat sini ada charity hospital -u can come, suka hati malam ke siang utk tengok patients, even belum masuk clinical pun aritu i tengok proses delivery baby- dkt malaysia patient sgt la perlukan privacy, kat sini diorg just redha je ramai student pun, and its not something ktorg take for granted jugak la, kena appreciate opportunity ni

/pasal mycsd tu, dkt sini nak stay hostel takyah fikir susah2 nak masuk aktiviti koko bagai, still dpt je hostel sini haha ko duduk bilik belajo je hahaha

/kat sini banyak buku, seriously benda ni membantu giler utk yg mmg suka pakai buku sampai rosak tu, bolehla beli buku sendiri acah2 ada mini library dlm bilik belilah beribu2 buku medic hahaha sbb murah jugak la kalau mcm buku guyton and hall physiology dkt malaysia dlm rm100++ kat sini dlm rm30+ je hahahaha gile ko tak murah kat sini takyah sibuk2 pinjam buku kat llibrary ke senior ke haha beli sendiri je

/yg pasal hostel selesa, is very important. bayangkan ah meja study dlm bilik ada meja panjang 2meter pastu bookshelves ada 3 nak sumbat pape, locker baju pun besar honestly, study atmosphere yg conducive is very important la for me so that nak study takdela pape serabut etc

/lecturer free gile takpayah nak email ke buat appointment ke they always ready to help us, wasep je diorg friendly gilerrr and diorg punya cara mengajar mmg satu-satu, kena suap kat mulu lg ha haha maybe sbb diorg respect kita as foreigner's student jugak

/lecturer kat sini sangat lah rajin and alert terhadap student. ni pun very important for me. kat sini every block, akan ada exam - which dkt kk takde. susah tau kalau takde exam block mcm kk tu, kat sini lecturer buat soalan khas utk student kle je- kita jawab utk assess pemahaman kita each block. ni sgt important, if i budak kk, every block bila takde exam mcm tu, kita akan jd tak aware tau wether kita actually faham ke tak overall block kalau takde exam - VERY VERY PLUS POINT

/lecturer sentiasa buat soalan utk ktorang, buat practicals - mmg penat gak ah sebabtu sabtu kitorang tak cuti hahaha ahad je cuti sbb diorg asyik ada je class nak buat kat ktorg - papepun, aku syg giler lecturer kat sini

/kat sini byk giler nak mampoz charity program - yg mcm volunteering work tu? maklumlah kat sini mostly poor, underdeveloped region byk je, so mostly every year akan ada 2-4 events lah open utk student utk turun pdg, tolong orang kat sini pape yg patut yg ni memang dah jadi mcm ada turun temurun setiap batch akan ada program charity haha tp atas initiative student ah - PLUS POINT KLE GAk

/kat sini surrounding is very islamic, i hope batch korang takde la dtg sini niat nak cucuk langit, kena ingat gak ah kita jauh kena jaga each other- so thats why kat sini jarang2 nampak org dating, persembahan menari2 gelek2 no no seriously i dulu jenis penunggang agama jugak la dtg sini rasa mcm senior2 semua nya alim2, tapi takde terrorist ke extremist radical ke apa eh alhamdulillah kat sini takdela besar sgt usrah mcm isma/ikram, just initiative masing2 nak buat usrah2 sendiri - very important sbb bila rohani tu kuat, nak study tu rasa mcm faham je, masa kita pun rasa Allah berkati je - so inshaAllah dtg sini niat untuk Allah inshaAllah dpermudahkan - baru2 ni ada yg dpt distinction pun budak usrah see ? hehe come la sini, inshaAllah jd manusia bermanfaat ye #ceramahringkas hahaha lol

/yg best kat sini, dpt elaun banyak hahahahaha around rm2000++ per month, KK dpt kurang je rasanya- bolehlah simpan duit utk future sikit haha and kat sini kos sara hidup murah - kena pandai jaga expense sendiri

hahahah sekain jujur punya review pasal usmkle ni ha tu jela kot dah jujur bagi promotion ni harap korg dtg lah sini ok??!

and btw, maybe batch korang, akan ada foreign student/overseas sbb diorg dah start bukak admission utk non malaysians hahaha

oh and dkt sini, is very important cane boleh lupa!!

ni saje je la nak cite, kat sini nak buat braces murah ya ampun kdg2 nak jugak buat braces walau gigi dahtersusun, nak buat lasik pun murah gilerr hahaha kat sini semua org dtg terus buat braces (rm2k) and lasik (rm2k) tak ingat la around that jugak la hahaha ni saje je iklan

kalau boleh screenshot everything ni hantar kat group korang okay! hahaha

and lagi satu, haritu prof saiful baharin dtg sini dia kata, best houseman dkt kk is from budak usmkle so yeah kinda inspiring for us la


Bak kata Yun, jadilah seperti mata lebah. Lihatlah saja kebaikan gitew. Heh takdanya. Ni cons KLE pulak.


/language barrier. nak interact dgn patient perlukan translator, tu pun nasib baik kalau ada. nanti nak present doctor, selalu jadi patient kasitau kita lain, bila cite kat doctor lain. kena rajin belajar hindi&kannada

/penyakit berbeza. sini byk penyakit mcm alcoholic, gastrointestinal etc, sbb culture diorg more to alcohol abuse, unhygiene, and infectious disease pun giler banyak mcm tibi - tengoklah overcrowding mcm mana. pros- boleh familiarize dgn disease yg takde kat malaysia cons - tak familiar dgn common disease kat malaysia

/soalan exam dari usmkk, so duduk kle mmg takdpt hint soalan exam sbb mostly lecturer kk yg akan cerita dlm kelas, kena rajin2 tanya budak kk apa lecturer kasitau hint exam etc

/slide lecturer. kita mmg ada objectives lecture yg sama, tp dlm slide kle, sgt luas dan mendalam. kalau dlm slide kk, dia focus kat apa yg penting je. so kita always kena refer slide kk for exam purposes lah and kdg2 lagi faham pakai slide lecturer kk ๐Ÿ˜‚


My advice; if you really want to pursue medical studies here in India but afraid of not gaining band 6.5 in IELTS, do iktikarah first, and ask opinion from your parents and friends. I was convinced to choose this as first choice by my friends. (#Thanks my Najwa and my Qissie) *hugs and flying kisses to both :*

But if you are worried about your performance in iv, well that's something you might want to work on it :)

Hey, have you ever crossed this viral news regarding our brave senior, who saved an accident victim in Belgaum, India? You might want to watch her! Watch THIS till the end!

Moga memberi inspirasi untuk datang ya!
